Monolithic Mode-Locked Lasers (MMLL)
/ August 15, 2018/ 0 comments

We proudly present the world’s first monolithic mode-locked lasers. These lasers are among the quietest free-running oscillators available to date. They can be fully phase stabilized if desired.
Low-noise, high-repetition-rate mode-locked solid-state lasers are attractive for precision measurements and microwave generation, but the best lasers in terms of noise performance still
consist of complex, bulky optical setups, which limits their range of applications. Our approach for producing highly stable pulse trains with record-low residual integrated offset frequency phase noise is fundamentally different from where the field is going for the past two decades. Our compact monolithic design simplifies implementation of the laser by fixing the cavity parameters without compromising the laser performance.
Due to the monolithic design, these lasers can operate under harsh conditions. The movie below shows a little demonstration of a tight lock of the offset frequency (< 20 mrad RMS phase noise at ~285 THz frequency). Banging on the optics bench with a 3/16 Allen driver does not cause cycle slips. Try this at home!
More details about this ongoing project can be found